Monday 6 January 2014

Mental speed - COUNTDOWN

The most general ability of all is the g factor - general intelligence that probably underlies all types of intelligence and is so important on the performance of IQ tests. Studies reveal that there is a strong relationship between the g factor and numerical-mathematical intelligence (NMI) which is the sub type that helps to manipulate numbers and understand the relationships between numbers and similar abstract concepts. This means that an NMI exercise is probably a good measure to strengthen the g factor. Lets start with a simple NMI exercise called COUNTDOWN. Countdown is an exercise in mental arithmetic, in the guise of mental subtraction. Tell your kid to simply pick up a number between 93 and 99 and subtract 7 from it repeatedly(mental subtraction) until he/she gets 0 or less. Time your kid and record how long it takes for the kid to reach 0. Make them do this atleast five times and workout the average time. Repeat this exercise with different numbers for subtraction and chart down the progress. If your child's time comes down, it strongly suggests that the g factor is sharpening and their mental speed is increasing. Though this seems to be a simple mental workout, it plays a vital role in gaining mental strength in kids.
Try out this simple NMI exercise for your kid and look out for the changes!

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